Thursday 19 February 2015

Fellow Travellers on the INCA Trail

Recent weeks have seen a pronounced rise in membership applications for the INCA Project. I mention this because I was one of the authors who help set this up (the key instigator, of course, being the irrepressible Rob Wingfield). It's good to see it enjoying a decent measure of success.

INCA is an acronym for Incorporating No Conventional Authors, and it's fast achieving its ambitions. It's growing to become an eclectic mix of independent writers whose works range from comedy and sci-fi to thrillers and erudite historical dramas. If you haven't yet paid a visit, I promise you'll find something there that will make it worth your while.

Although the site was established to support unpublished, non-mainstream writers, the INCAs were  nevertheless very pleased to welcome the great Robert Rankin as an honorary member. To stand in such esteemed company is a very gratifying thing, (although I'm trying hard to overlook the fact that his sales figures are so much better than mine...)

Alongside the renowned Mr Rankin, you will find a number of my now favourite indie authors. Some - like Andy Paine and Alastair Miles - have already contributed guest posts here on this blog, so I hope you'll regard them as old friends. Others, such as Corben Duke, Norman Morrow, David J Meyers, Darius Stransky, Jemahl Evans and Jeanette Ford, have finished books or works in progress that you can see on the INCA website.

One I should mention is Mark Roman, whose delightfully mad sci-fi comedy 'The Ultimate Inferior Beings' I have just read. A scientist by trade, he brings quite the strangest thought processes to bear on the story and the result is just brilliant. He is also writing 'The Worst Man on Mars' together with Corben Duke, who is perhaps one of the kindest and most supportive writers currently gracing the internet. The latter work is still in progress but you can check it out, at least in part, on Authonomy.

So, some fine writers forming a fine community. Please call in and see them some time.

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